IMG_0299Other than buying the house and getting a puppy, there was nothing Fallon was more passionately eager for than SNOW!!!  All of you who know and love Fallon, know that she goes absolutely rainbow lollipop crazy at the
possibility that snow is going to arrive. So starting some time around the end of September, Fallon started eagerly – almost hourly – calling up the weather forecast to look for the first reports of possible snow. While we waited for “the day” when snowmaggedon arrives, we hunted down an non-mail-order super he-man snow blower!  Check out this bad boy!  And for once we were ahead of the curve in being prepared.

Finally the day arrives, snow starts coming down and Fallon starts dancing in the yard.

Ryker found it a little less than thrilling initially, but he warmed up to the idea that the snow might be fun pretty quickly.  And…. once it got started, it pretty much didn’t slow down for quite a while.  But what a transformation!!  A winter wonderland, white and fluffy enough to make Fallon’s heart go pitter patter and give her dreams of endless days of snowboarding!

205Now we certainly could not have our first winter and snowfall without a little drama…. brought to you by yours truly.  I got lulled into a bit of a nostalgic daydream one morning on the way to work – thinking about how the snow almost always came down on Christmas Eve, when my Mom and my sister and I would be driving to my grandparents house for Christmas.  I was enjoying a cozy, hot mug of coffee, just toodling along the nearly deserted highway I take to work.  Seriously, if I meet four cars on the way there, that is unusual. Taking my time, honestly!  Then there was just this tiniest curve in the road, in the snow…….. and the next thing I knew, I was spinning around and saying to myself… uh oh!  uh oh!  You see, I would not be content to go into a nasty old freestyle spin just anywhere on the highway… no not this girl!  I wait until 207I am travelling that part of the highway that follows a little river – one that I admired all the time in the summer.  So while I am spinning, completely out of control, and spraying my HOT cup of coffee all over the car, the only thing I can see is the damn river and, given I am so intimately acquainted with a fellow
named Murphy – I am certain that I am going to end up in the drink!  Somehow though, God was smiling down on me and decided that he would just dump me in the snowbank instead. I stumble out of the car, all in one piece and stare at the river and the back end of the car.  Shortly after that I became aware of the damp heat soaking through my pants, and the strong odour of coffee!  And yes, it was a Monday morning!  I was safely towed out by a few very neighbourly fellows that were passing by… people out here really do look out for each other.

IMG_1824But other than that, we have been dealing with the snow and enjoying all that winter has IMG_1781to offer.  Snow fell all day Christmas Eve, so when our company arrived….. hhhhmmmm getting them here will have to be a story told another time….. the whole property was layered with beautiful snow!!  We didn’t even mind when my sister and brother-in-law sent us this picture from the Grand Caymans…… we fired our own picture right back!  Great fun!  There is nothing prettier than taking a nice hot cuppa out on the back patio and sitting on the swing…. watching the snow come down…. in my boots, sweater, jacket, hat, hood, gloves and a blanket.  No such thing as stress when you are swinging!

3 thoughts on “Winter arrives!

  1. The guys pulling you out was a karma repayment for you and I hauling that girl out. Really does go around here, people are super friendly!

  2. Can anything ever go smoothly for you guys?! I guess I shouldn’t complain because I can’t wait to hear about what crazy adventure you have gotten yourself into now!

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