With a last wave to our company, Chuck and I got busy with the last items we needed to get to that would allow us to move into our little house.  I headed out to get some tile so that we could complete the bath/shower area.  I grabbed the prettiest stuff I could find that I would be able to take with me – at this point I had had enough of the – “That’ll be in next Tuesday” stuff.  I was starting my new job and I needed to be able to shower!  I can tell you a cheer went up when we finally had a fully working shower!

A Tiled Shower IMG_1414












So, game on…. we get to clearing out our boxes of goodies from the carport at Fallon & Darren’s and get to unpacking everything in our mostly completed home.  I suspect there will always be projects that will need to get done, but it is comfortable and homey and I have lots of time to make it perfect.



IMG_1148[1]Now I have to say that it is pretty nice to head out to work every morning and before you go, you pick yourself a lovely fresh apple, right off the tree in your yard.  Mother Nature is a bit bipolar though I must say!  She says here, enjoy the land and the fruits of the land, they are so good for you! And the last thing you are thinking about is the danger it brings with it.  I know you are thinking.. what danger??  Tree falling on you?  Stung by a bee??   Oh no my friends, it is much worse than that!   Less than a week into enjoying our lovely new home, I look out the window and spot something odd just outside the bedroom window.

Bear Poop


Apparently we are not the only ones enjoying the apples. Yes, that is bear poop my friends!  Barely 10 feet from my bedroom window, which you have to know is wide open all night in the middle of freakin’ August!

Oh! And the locals are so helpful, they do let us know that this here poop is black bear poop – because just everyone knows that black bears stop to do their business!  Grizzlies, they just keep walking, so any plop, plop, plop poops will be from a grizzly.  Nice!  Good to know…..!!! Information a city girl does without every day!

And danger and intrigue doesn’t stop at bears!  2015 was a seriously hot and dry summer here in the Kootenays and that always brings with it the potential for forest fires.  It got pretty smokey for several weeks here and we even had a small fire burning on the ridge behind our lovely mountain.  It got pretty tense for a while.  So much so that we wondered what the heck was going on when one night, after sitting down to a lovely dinner, we heard helicopters!


IMG_1404It sounded like it was going to land on our roof!!  We run outside to see a helicopter dropping an enormous bucket into the ponds in our stream – filling them with water and taking off.  Well…. uummm…. sure, just help yourself! Sheesh, not even a by your leave…!  But all for a good cause – and amazing to watch!

And everyone in the city thinks that living in the country isn’t exciting!  Amazing the things that city folk don’t know!


And the fun stuff didn’t stop there!  Darren took a drive out to the company that he originally got the job with, just to let them know that he was now in the area and if they ever needed anyone, to give him a shout.  To which they promptly said, come back next week and talk with the head guy, we need you.  So in a blink… we are all employed! Just in time to celebrate with our next guests!  Darren’s brother Jared and his lady Tia!   Good times!

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One thought on “Summer Happenings

  1. MIss D. Hiking, forest fires, black bears, grizzlies, apples off of trees – what the heck! Thank goodness I saw a TV in your lovely new living room. And thank you for shattering the horrible illusion that you may be using an out house all winter. Life looks really amazing there…well done!

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