Our first visitor!
Our first visitor!


Ok so moving day didn’t go quite as planned, and our eventual arrival had it’s problems too.  Did we let that get us down…… not totally!   The sheer number of bugs that greeted us on our arrival was a bit overwhelming and we were a bit terrified that they were here to stay, but we were also really hungry, and too exhausted and hot to give it much thought at the time.  Whatever these damn bugs were, at least they did’t bite, so we smiled at our neighbours and swatted at the little buggers so that we could breathe in without inhaling them.

I gotta give it to Chuck – he certainly called the height of the grass – but none of us figured on the bugs.  Bugs were not in my idyllic vision of my new home.  We don’t have these issues in the city!  So we hightailed it into the house and practically dove for the ice cold beer!  Four hours in the car with no air conditioning and almost no break in the heat made me slurp up my beer in a slightly less than lady like manner – but it at least made me feel a teeny bit human again!

The excellent home made lasagna was inhaled in record time and we all had another round of beer before contemplating the unpacking of the truck.  It was hitting home really quick that we had a ton more people packing that damn thing than we have unpacking it! Sigh!  This is the worst part of moving, and the idea of doing it while dodging a zillion bugs was not appealing.  It didn’t help that Chuck kept saying things like “Look how tall that grass is!  I told you!, and “God, I hope those bugs are just a temporary thing!”.

So we sucked it up – with a few bugs for good measure – and decide that we need to get the beds out, a couple sets of sheets and some towels.  We would get a good nights sleep and tackle the rest of the truck in the morning when we are refreshed and rested.  I, being the organized one, had thought about this eventuality and had made a go bag for our first night – sheets, blanket, towels and jammies all in one bag, where I could find it in the chaos of boxes and stuff.  Unfortunately that bag was in the back of the truck, where I so smugly placed it so that it would be handy.  I planned for it, then forgot about grabbing it when we were re-arranging the stuff in the vehicles after our adventure in Osoyoos.  So much for being the organized one…..!

We spent the evening soaking in the fact that we had now left the big city behind and had started a totally new chapter in our lives.  We talked about all the things we were going to do, what we wanted to do first, and laughing about the fire in the truck, the weight of the trailer (and the look on the face of our tow truck driver!) and Fallon’s freak out, worrying that the truck was going to explode!  Through it all, Chuck talked about the bugs and the grass, and how do we get rid of the bugs – we don’t have anything to cut the grass…. we need a tractor.  He was convinced that we may be able to cut down on the bugs if we could get the grass cut….. sure, sure…. we’ll see.

We all crashed for the night almost as soon as the sun went down – which will apparently become a bit of a habit.  Our first morning brought our first visitor and a ton of excitement!  Deer! On our property!  We are so totally in the country and such hicks that this has us running around trying to get a picture – being city folks of course the pictures are taken on our cells!  So sorry – not the best picture but we captured the moment!

Things continue to improve when, as we get busy unpacking the truck, our neighbour friend shows up with his tractor to cut the hay that is growing between the two houses.  It is apparently ready really early this year due to the very warm summer we are having – and yes Chuck – it is the main source of the little bugs that are making us crazy.  Bless him, as the hay disappears, so do the vast number of bugs!  First lesson learned – rethink the hay- particularly around the houses.  Chuck turns a bit green when he looks around at our lovely land – with about 10 acres or so of lovely ripe hay.

But that issue is for another day!  Today things are good, we had deer on our property, the hay is gone along with the bugs, and we are unloaded and unpacking.  Settling into the our new home and our new life……. next??  Tackling the renovations on the little house!

Cutting the hay.
Cutting the hay.
Goodbye bugs!
Goodbye bugs!

3 thoughts on “We’re here! Now what??

  1. I love reading your story. It’s like finishing a book & waiting for the sequel to come… I think it’s wonderful that your neighbors made you food & helped you on your first day in the country.. definitely would never see that in the city.

  2. You are an amazing story teller. Too bad your stories are all about you being a hillbilly. I miss City Donna!!

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