Now you have to know that, with all these new experiences, we are expanding our vocabulary in leaps and bounds. Farming entails an entirely new language!! Kits – the name for baby bunnies! Always thought it was bunnies, go figure. Culling – this is what you say in front of […]

The weather is not being all that co-operative and we are finding ourselves in a bit of planting withdrawal.  The weather has been all over the map, hot days, frosty cold nights – cool, cloudy rainy days – or down right ugly monsoon rain and howling winds.  We are scared […]

So I did sit down at my computer the other day and decided that, maybe I need to increase my gardening knowledge. So…. googling “gardening tips”, I start trying to find info on best practices for my gargantuan garden.  Everything that comes up is about patio gardens and backyard gardens, […]

So the seedlings are chugging along in the grow room, loving the grow lights, and so far nothing has died.  It gives us confidence that we can do anything.  Yes, I know….. it really can’t continue.  Life generally finds a way to keep us humble and for Owl’s Hollow Homestead […]

Now those of you out there that have read all of my blog posts (you guys are the best!) will recall that, last fall, we laid out a plan for the garden. In “Now THAT’s a garden!” you saw us take a piece of our land and turn it into […]

I have been looking back at some of my posts and I am a little worried that any of you out there that are reading this blog may be under the false impression that we are all work and no play here at Owl’s Hollow Homestead.  Heck no!!!  There are […]

We got all the bunnies home safe and sound and took a few days to get to know our new friends.  As first time rabbit owners, we learned a couple of things really quickly.  1. Rabbits eat like little piggies!  I think they may even eat more than pigs.  Particularly […]

Now you might be thinking that … hey, those city folk have done ok…..   they moved in, reno’d a house, started new jobs, got a puppy, made a chicken coop, got in some chickens and got them to start laying eggs.  They’ve tilled and developed their garden, planted garlic, […]